The New Year

Happy New Year all you glorified gypsies out there.[1] It’s funny but I’ve always thought of the end of one year and the beginning of another as the perfect opportunity to reflect on life and set oneself new goals. I’m weird that way. 

2017 had its ups and downs, I’m sure you’d agree. For starters, I attempted unsuccessfully to purchase the dorm room at the Big Galah hostel in Bondi as I thought it would be a great investment opportunity. The pull of being able to promise backpackers a chance to stay in the same 8 bed dorm as old Glory (I get top bunk, always!) would be be a real money spinner. For me and the owners. Just think of the trade they’d do on walk-ins alone!  Sadly, the owners Darryl and Quintin thought otherwise and couldn’t appreciate how selling off one of their rooms would benefit them. Their loss. 

I did inquire if they’d be prepared to cut me 10% of the price of any bed rented out where the guest has specifically asked to share with ol’ Glory. Darryl (he wears the trousers in that relationship, trust me) is yet to give me a firm “no” so it looks likely.

I’m in the very early stages of creating my own brand of hostels anyway. I can’t really provide specifics right now but the idea would be to have a hostel in prime locations throughout Australia and the rest of the world, all for the price of a normal slum-style hostel. Already three possible investors have passed up on the idea because they believe it wouldn’t be financially viable. Again, their loss. Besides, they’re not the sort who would ever dream of staying in a backpacker hostel so I probably wouldn’t go into business with them.

So what’s in store for 2018? Well, aside from the aforementioned hostel plans, I have decided this year I will finally apply for a Permanent Residency visa.[2] A friend of a friend recommended I speak to a migration agent about my situation. According to Chandrakant, I have a very good case. So as soon as I have saved up enough for the application and Chandrakant’s fees I will go ahead and apply. I’ll keep you posted. 

Here is trusting you all have a wonderful 2018.

1. Just to be clear, that’s my nickname/moniker. Just because I’ve kindly addressed you as “glorified gypsies” shouldn’t mean you try to use it. It just wouldn’t work.

2. Not that I plan to “live” in Australia. I’m like the Littlest Hobo in that respect - don’t try and tame me or keep me in one place for too long. To be honest, the concept of applying for permanent visa goes against everything I stand for as a backpacker and as a human being. The only reason I may apply is because I’m planning an epic trip around south east Asia as part of a 20th anniversary celebration of Glorified Gypsydome and Australia would be be useful as a base. That’s all.