Pay It Onwards

When I eventually did leave Pablo’s I was left with that nagging feeling of wanting to repay him. As I munched away on a ¾ Corralisima Todotorreno burger and studied Pablo’s miserably gaunt face and his bony fingers as he ran them around the greasy inside of the empty carton of small fries to extract as much nutrition as he could, it dawned on me: If I couldn’t pay it back to him, what was to stop me paying it onwards to someone else?

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Winter Exodus

Now that Winter has wrapped its moderately cold fist around our necks, the question most backpackers have is do they stick or twist? In other words, do they stay in Bondi and see the winter out like a trooper, or should they head north to warmer climes, like a Janus-faced friend who disappears when times are tough. 

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Kombi-ah, my lord

I immediately drew attention to her intolerance by highlighting the hypocrisy of her views. If she was at a local fair and a kindly fireman invited her son to erect his ladder or unfurl his hose, I’m sure she wouldn’t only let him, but encourage him too. 

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